15 Aug 2008

MoMo and His Kids

catThese are not MoMo's children himself. (you can see their hair's color),but they are his brothers and sisters. Yes, MoMo is the Babysister and he has done good in his job. Then you'll see it.
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Beautiful Smile

dog This is Auntie Jumbo; Momo's beloved dog. If you haven't ever seen dog smiling, just take a look at her face, she smiles.

Zoom In : Auntie Jumbo. She's almost 7 yrs. old. Cause of chasing and killing chickens, she has been inchained for 5 years. But mother always takes her for a walk everyday.
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11 Aug 2008

Momo The Sleeping Beau Cat

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Zoom In : MoMo sleeps. He's a truely cat.